
Archive for the ‘technology’ Category

once every 2737 years

once every 2737 years


The pyramids of Giza in Egypt are currently aligned in exactly the same manner as three of the planets in our solar system, Saturn, Venus, and Mercury are aligned as of 12/3/12, 18 days before the famous and popular 12/21/12 which is the end of the Mayan calendar.

(This has been calculated using specialized software like Stellarium).

The planetary alignment on December 3, 2012 with the pyramids of Giza, occurs only once every 2737 years.

For more interesting stuff about the conjunction of dates, stars and the ancient calendar, you can read a related story, “2112 Decoded” at World Mysteries.

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Popigai diamonds

via Russia diamonds: Source under Siberian asteroid crater could supply world markets for the next 3,000 years | Mail Online.


‘We are speaking about trillions of carats’: Russia reveals vast diamond source under 62-MILE-WIDE asteroid crater which could supply world markets for next 3,000 years. Supply under 35million-year-old impact zone is ten times bigger than global reserves. Kremlin discovered the site in the 1970s but kept it a secret until now to exploit tightly controlled market. Diamonds at Popigai Astroblem in Siberia are ‘twice as hard’ as normal, making them ideal for high-precision scientific instruments and industry

The news comes amid slumping prices for both rough and polished diamonds, and a fair amount of turmoil in the diamond market. Both BHP Billiton (LSE:BHP) and Rio Tinto (ASX:RIO,LSE:RIO) have said they are restructuring their diamond businesses. In August luxury retailer Harry Winston was rumored to be interested in purchasing the Ekati diamond mine in northern Canada from BHP. Harry Winston owns a 40 percent stake in the Diavik mine operated by Rio Tinto in the same region as Ekati.


Daily Mail Reporter


12:21 EST, 17 September 2012


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Andy Torres explains “ego blogging” her coined term for what now has become commonplace on the internet, but which she was one of the originators of, back in 2007. Undecided as to her career path, she dropped out of college at a certain point, to pursue her real dream of creating and developing fashion ideas. Taking her love of sewing and modifying outfits, she moved to New York to try to make it as a designer. But when she didn’t find the opportunity she desired at an existing fashion house, she went online. Andy marketed herself and her fashion ideas through her blog, Style Scrapbook, which has since garnered over 75,000 followers…an impressive feat for any company, let alone a single girl.

Andy’s advice to anyone starting their own ego blog is simple.
1. Offer great content, which is useful to the target audience.
2. Include good photos which depict the subject in the best context.
3. Post often, to maintain contact with an audience with short attention span.
4. Share your blog on as many strong social media sites as possible.
5. Above all be yourself, and keep your content genuine and accessible.

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A few posts back I mentioned I had originally been searching for images of those faces blowing wind, which you see on old maps. I came across these maps which happened to have been illustrated by Athanasius Kircher, who was a Benedictine scientist and authority of his time on many subjects, among them volcanology. It’s interesting to see the hypothetical depictions, circa 1668, of the views of how the earch was composed. By this time the world was known to be round. And although Jules Verne in the 19th century imagined that the core of the earth might be hollow, and even home to subterranean societies hidden from surface-dwellers, Kircher depicted the center as a seething pool of churning magma with various channels to the volcanos on the crust; which is basically accurate as we now know. He titled this piece “Pyrophylaciorum” for the fire in the middle. His second rendering depicts how water pools in subterranean depths all around the planet, the cavernous aquifers which feed the rivers at the surface, “Quo Exprimitur Aquarum”. It’s interesting that what he surmised, without being able to physically examine as we do today, with radar and ultrasound plumbing the depths. But in many ways his concepts were accurate.

The next phase in our physical understanding of our world would take us from deep within the earth, to deep within the physics of the atoms themselves. Unlike Kircher, who had no electronic means of detection, and relied on visual inspection, we now can journey deep inside matter itself. Leaping from models of atoms and molecules, we now can capture images of the particles inside of the atoms themselves, at the nano level, and even physically manipulate the atomic molecular arrangements. What’s interesting to me, is that at the micro levels of matter, patterns similar to those at the macro level are replicated reverse fractally, increasingly smaller Bucky balls of probability of energy and matter, time and empty space of particle physics….yet somehow patterned and predictable…

Which goes to show, that it is possible, to hear music in the spheres, and as the poem goes, to “see eternity in a grain of sand.”


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How could you not be intrigued by a title like that? lol!

Like Leonardo da Vinci, the German Jesuit scholar Athanasius Kircher (ca. 1601-1680) was a true “Renaissance man.” Interested in both the arts and sciences, he wrote several dozen books on everything from medicine and geology to Egypt, cryptography, Noah’s Ark, and musical harmony.

Born near Fulda, in Buchonia, of the Hesse province, his name sometimes is epithet “Bucho,” “Buchonius” or “Fuldensis”. He was taught Hebrew by a rabbi, and studied philosophy and theology, although volcanoes were his passion. Several times in his life he had to flee Protestants who opposed the Catholics at the time of the Reformation. He joined the priesthood in 1628, and taught mathematics, ethics, and Hebrew/syriac at the University of Wurzburg, and developed an interest in Egyptian hieroglyphics. In 1633 he was called to Vienna by the emperor to succeed Johannes Kepler as chief Mathematician to the Habsburg court, however his ship was literally blown off course, and he ended up in Rome instead, where he based himself permanently at the Collegio Romano for several years before being fully devoted to his own research.

In 1661, Kircher discovered the ruins of a church said to have been constructed by Constantine on the site of Saint Eustace’s vision of Jesus Christ in a stag’s horns. He raised money to pay for the church’s reconstruction as the Santuario della Mentorella, and his heart was buried in the church on his death.

Kircher published a wide variety of scholarly texts at the time, with lengthy Latin names like “Physiologia Experimentalis” (1680), “Mundus Subterraneus” (1664),”Magneticum Naturae Regnum Sive Disceptatio Physiologica” (1667), “Ars Magna Sciendi Sive Combinatorica” (1669), about subjects such as “Arca Noe” (1675), “Sphinx Mystagoga” (1676), and “Obelisci Aegyptiaci” (1676). Probably his best known work is “Oedipus Aeguptiacus” (1652) one of the first truly encyclopedic resources in the field of Egyptology. He credited his sources as Chaldean astrology, the Hebrew Kabbalah, Arabian alchemy, latin philology, and Pythagorean mathematics. But the resource which was especially helpful to him, in the way the Rosetta Stone eventually would be to others that followed, was the acquisition of the Bembine Tablet–a diagram schematic identifying the host of Egyptian gods and symbols, confiscated from Cardinal Bembo after the Sack of Rome in 1527. Here it is:

Bembine Table of Isis

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Turris Babel by Athanasius Kircher 1679


I love serendipity!

I arrove at this image circuitously. As I had mentioned, in a much previous post, I had been searching to find the “blowing wind face” frequent on antiquated maps of the world. I finally did, and one of those maps I discovered, was drawn by Athanasius Kircher.

Like Leonardo da Vinci, the German scholar Athanasius Kircher (ca. 1601-1680) was a true “Renaissance man.” Interested in both the arts and sciences, he wrote several dozen books on everything from medicine and geology to Egypt, cryptography, Noah’s Ark, and musical harmony. Kircher was especially interested in the history of languages, and just a year before his death, he published Turris Babel, a history of the Tower of Babel.

According to the Bible, the people of Babylon attempted to build a huge tower that would reach all the way to heaven. After learning that they were constructing the tower for their own glory rather than His, however, God punished the Babylonians by making them all speak different languages. No longer able to communicate with each other, they stopped work on the tower, left Babylon, and went their separate ways. The tower not only became a symbol for human pride, but also helped explain the origin of languages.

In Turris Babel, Kircher suggested that rather than creating hundreds of languages at one stroke, God preserved Hebrew, which continued to be spoken by the descendants of Noah’s son Shem, and then created four new languages, which he assigned to the descendants of Noah’s other sons. These languages subsequently split apart even further over time, resulting in all the languages that are spoken today. Kircher singled out a few languages for special attention in the second half of his book. Considered the father of Egyptology, he was especially interested in Egyptian hieroglyphics, and he expands on one of his earlier works on this subject here.
lib.lsu.edu | Tower of Babel

I found the discovery that Kircher had illustrated the Tower of Babel as well, interesting in light of my recent posting also about the X-Seed 4000 Ultima Tower being designed right now, at two miles high, the largest human-built structure the world has ever seen.

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ancient Iranian pendant

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This article is reprinted from “Did Ancient Egyptians Use Aircraft in Battle”


It was even before Christ that Greeks took a keen interest in the culture and history of people living on the banks of the Nile River. In 1848, one of numerous archeological expeditions working in Egypt discovered strange hieroglyphs at the height of about ten meters right above the entrance to the Seti Temple in Abydos. The walls were covered with the strange signs that greatly puzzled researchers. The only thing the researchers realized at once was that they had discovered some images of strange mechanisms that nobody ever saw before.

It is still unknown what exactly an artist living about 3,000 years ago engraved on the walls. The archeological expedition carefully copied the mysterious signs on the temple walls, and the hieroglyphs gave rise to endless disputes and heated debates among Egyptologists. As a result, majority of Egyptologists arrived at a conclusion that there were just four strange objects drawn in different variations. Unfortunately, researchers of the 19th century failed to understand what ancient Egyptians actually drew on the temple walls. Like any sensation the mysterious Abydos hieroglyphs were absolutely forgotten some time later.

In about 150 years, the respectable Arab newspaper Al-Sharq Al-Awsat published several sensational photos taken in the Amon Ra Temple in Karnak. At that, the newspaper asked its readers whether they believed that ancient Egyptians knew about battle aviation. The question would have seriously puzzled readers under some different conditions. But the photos the newspaper published demonstrated the bas-reliefs of an ancient temple built under Seti I who ruled 3,000 years ago; and on the bas-reliefs an ancient artist engraved a battle helicopter with a distinct rotor and a tail unit. Nearby, the artist depicted several other aircrafts astonishingly resembling contemporary supersonic fighters and heavy strategic bombers!

After the sensational publication of the photos it became clear why Egyptologists of the 19th century could not tell what was depicted on the walls of the temple in Abydos. Indeed, the researchers did not know how helicopters and aircrafts look.

Pharaoh Seti I was always known as the most famous and successful regents in Ancient Egypt who actively expanded his estates and had to repulse attacks of enemies. Do the published sensational pictures mean that the Pharaoh even employed battle aviation to fight enemies?

Well-known Egyptologist Alan Alford left to the Nile banks to study the Abydos mystery. The researcher studied the mysterious hieroglyphs and made sure that what seemed absolutely incredible was in fact quite real. Alford told journalists that ancient Egyptians had depicted a real helicopter model as if they made the engravings from life.

So, researchers got two almost identical sets of drawings from Karnak and Abydos which seemed be not accidental at all. Skeptics recollected that “Bee” was one of the names of Pharaoh Seti I and stated that the mysterious drawings were in fact attempts of an ancient artist to draw a bee. They would not believe that Egyptians might know about helicopters.

At the same time, world-famous ufologist Richard Hogland declared that the mysterious drawings just proved his theory saying Egyptians descended from Martians who had once visited this planet. The researcher explains that Martians [Annunaki?] chose Ancient Egypt for landing because of its landscape wonderfully resembling the Martian one.

But the ufologist failed to explain the origin of a submarine which was also engraved nearby the battle helicopter on the walls of the temple in Abydos. And the drawing was incredibly detailed. And researchers had to confess they were still too far from solving the mystery of the hieroglyphs and the frescos. It is perfectly clear that there are no seas on Mars, and the drawings of a submarine thus could not be made by “descendants of Martians” as Hogland called Egyptians as they had no notion what a submarine may be.

In the past years of the 20th century, many of Mars researchers actively supported Hogland’s theory. They believed that failures of automated interplanetary space stations to land on Mars were closely connected with the mysterious hieroglyphs discovered on the walls of ancient temples. The researchers stated that millions of years ago a unique anti-missile shield was created around Mars for safe protection from curious and aggressive unwanted guests. When ufologists are told that some automated vehicles actually landed Mars and even took photos revealing there is no civilization on the planet, they say that terrestrials will be able to see only what Martians want and let us know about them.

bee-goddess Camiros, Rhodes

Famous Egyptologist Bruce Rowles gives another interesting hypothesis about the origin of the strange hieroglyphs. He says there were no interplanetary expeditions from other star systems to this planet in the old times. He supposes that Egyptian pagan priests knew many of nature secrets. It is a proven fact that 3,000 years ago Egyptians made the first batteries and generated electricity. Bruce Rowles also supposes that pagan priests in Ancient Egypt could look to the future where they quite probably saw battle helicopters, aircrafts and submarines. But Rowles’ hypothesis is as unstable as the theory of Hogland.

Today, the disputes about the mysterious hieroglyphs are still heated. Some researchers believe that Egyptians knew aeronautics secrets and could fly but later the secrets were lost. But others insist that enthusiasts are too imaginative if they see modern helicopters, aircrafts and submarines in Egyptian engravings and bas-reliefs. Let us forget the heated disputes and see what history says on the issue.

Popular scientific literature says that Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamen died 3,300 years ago as a result of an air crash. Historian William Deutch made the sensational statement and also said that ancient Egyptians could go up to the clouds with balloons inflated with hot air and with primitive gliders. Such flights were available for the royal family and nobility only. Deutch says that many of the royal family in Ancient Egypt including Tutankhamun himself died with their legs broken and numerous wounds as if they tragically died as a result of an aircraft crash. The researcher is sure that strange objects depicted in discovered ancient engravings and drawings were in fact the first flying devices. Deutch even made many models of such aircrafts and found out that many of them could soar in the air. William Deutch says that aeronautics first appeared in Egypt and then spread to the territories currently known as Tibet, India, Mexico, Turkey, China and Guatemala, in other words those territories where air flows could hold aircrafts in the skies.

An elegant 4-centimeter item which was obviously used as an amulet or a pendant made not later than the first millennium B.C. is known as “the Columbia gold airplane”. As of today, researchers have found 33 items of the type on the territories of Columbia, Peru, Costa Rica and Venezuela. All of them are different on the outside but have the same principle of airplane construction with the horizontal and vertical keel empennage. Ancient artists often made them look like creatures covered with scales and with glowing eyes. But biologists of the world admit that the gold items cannot be identified with any known creature of fossil or contemporary fauna on the planet.

Contemporary aerotechnics experts believe that “the gold airplane” might be a model of an aerospace aircraft with an opening cockpit; a model of a freight aircraft for landing water for one-time use only and even a model of a sub-aquaplane. But in fact, experts could discern an airplane in the gold model long ago.

In 1956, “the gold airplane” was among exhibits of the Pre-Columbian Gold exhibition in Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. The deltoid wing and the vertical plane of the tail unit atypical of birds drew attention of American aircraft designers. The directors of the exhibition allowed testing the ancient “aircraft” in a wind tunnel. It turned out that the gold model could soar at supersonic speed, the issue which was widely studied in that epoch. Amazingly, the ancient wooden model helped aircraft designers of Lockheed create a supersonic plane, the world’s best for that period.

For more about this you may want to see also “Ancient Airplanes and Ancient Aliens”

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Well. If you can put aside your initial skepticism, and your mind’s chastising you for venturing outside provincial history textbooks, the following series of videos is interesting and rationally presented. Just as we discover that the further we go into the substructure of atomic particles, the more dimensions there are and the less we seem to know, the same is true of ancient history. The more we learn of ancient people, and even the origins of the human race itself, the less it seems we know, and the more we fear to discover.

As an artist myself, with interest in physical depictions, and how the process of what is seen becomes represented as painted wall art, or carved petroglyph lines, or three-dimensional sculpture, it is interesting to me to find physical objects becoming represented as symbols, and these symbols finding correspondence in different cultures. Ancient codexes or comic books, painted with burnt sticks of carbon or Apple iPads, art doesn’t lie! People may not like it, but artists only paint what they see. Cultures may transmute and codify art into symbols, and the idea of beauty may change through the ages, and thus a heavy-set, big-breasted and bumpy model of a primitive Venus, becomes an anorexic photoshopped version of a Cosmopolitan woman in the 20th century. And while the Greeks glorified female beauty and put woman up on a pedestal, Picasso brought her back to a primitive and jagged Mademoiselle d’Avignon.

Still, birds are birds, be they herons, ducks, Phoenixs, or feathered Quetlcoatls. And wings are wings, although sometimes it is hard to determine whether they are attached to angels, aliens, bees, or flying machines. Snakes are snakes, until they seem to become dragons or dinosaurs or staircases on zigurats, jagged bolts of lightning, or wavy rivers. Fish are just fish, and look like sturgeons, dolphin, or salmon, unless they are scaled, skinned, and worn by mermen… Palms are palms, until they become multi-branched deciduous-looking “Yggdrasil” or the Tree of Life of the Kaballah; and flowers are just flowers, until they take on the significance of the three-petaled iris or Fleur-de-lis, the five-petaled rose or cinquefoil, or the multi-petaled lotus… Lions, tigers, and boars, oh my…

This series of over eight films, is best viewed with a skeptical, but open mind — if not a sense of humor. And yet there is wonder and awe, at the mystery of it all, and appreciation that so much is still unknown to us.

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No….I haven’t gone off the deep end.

I’m as skeptical about the paranormal and ancient civilizations and advanced technologies as any rational person would be, I believe! lol.

But sometimes it is these unexplained things we come across, that add a sense of mystery in life. And sometimes some explanations for unexplained things, make more sense than others.

Here in this video about Egyptian pyramids, it’s mentioned that there is an underground aquifer below one of the main pyramids at Giza. A similar aquifer is found below the Bosnian pyramid. Is this coincidence?

Take a look for yourself and see if you discover anything new here…Also discussed is the use of electricity in the design and construction process.


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